Tuesday, April 26, 2011

4-26-11 - "Rill Rill" ~ Sleigh Bells

A change of pace, here's a fairly nonsensical song that just has a groove to it that I really dig.  We've talked about Broken Bells, now here's some Sleigh Bells.  This track is actually one of the more mainstream / "normal" from the album "Treats", whereas some of the others are just mind-blowingly intense.  You definitely have to be in the mood to listen to the album, but this track gives you a taste of what to expect without totally going over the edge into the abyss that is Sleigh Bells' catastrophic blend of distortion, samples, and floating, nigh-incomprehensible lyrics.  Maybe this band isn't for everyone, but sometimes when my mind needs purging or I'm just feeling it, I just have me some Treats and life just seems a little better for a while.

(No, I don't know what's going on in the video... starts out a simple driving/singing thing, then gets weird...)

"we never blink see
and you can see me
we fell asleep in the middle of the theory..."

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