Monday, March 14, 2011

3-14-11 - "About Love" ~ Timothy Seth Avett as "Darling"

Seth Avett is my favorite member of the Avett Brothers.  Well, except for Scott, who's pretty awesome, but no, Seth really is my favorite... barely.  I don't know what it is exactly, but something about his lyrics and his stage presence and even his off-stage presence just clicks with me... probably the vibe of slightly shy, slightly socially awkward... the brothers are great at foot-stomping romps, but both are also skilled at mellow, introspective tunes, and Seth's writing in particular resonates for me.

Darling is a side project of Seth's, where for his first two albums, he basically sat in his kitchen with a 4-track cassette recorder and did everything himself.  This recording method made for a very raw, imperfect sound, but for me that just serves to accentuate the lyrics which delve into the frailty of the human condition.  This particular track, however, is from his third album, which is a lot more polished.

The sharp and cynical lyrics evoke a recent breakup, where the wounds are still open, and the singer is convinced that love is a farce.  Yet, the last verse still rings with a glimmer of hope...

(live performance on youtube:)
(gotta respect a man that can sing and play guitar whilst walking backwards, eh?  additional symbolism...?)

(album version on grooveshark)

"I'm laughing so hard my sides start to split
well I cannot be told and I will not admit
that no one else thinks it's a joke...
well, at least I'm right about love..."

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