Friday, July 1, 2011

7-1-11 - "William Tell Overture" ~ Gioachino Rossini

You've heard this one, or at least parts of it.  Guaranteed.  It's the overture to a classic piece of classical music - the opera Guillaume Tell.  The third movement, "Call to the Cows", is fairly commonly used in various media outlets, so I bet you've heard it - kind of a "waking up on an early spring morning" feel, used in a Disney cartoon, and I'm pretty sure it was also used in a Bugs Bunny cartoon in that type of setting.  The fourth movement is the part you've definitely heard - it was the theme song for The Lone Ranger (Radio and TV programs), and is used in movies, TV, etc. and sampled by musicians for hip-hop tracks and whatnot.

The full 12-minute overture is good, with the slower first and third movements setting the stage for "The Storm" (second movement) and the finale (the Lone Ranger part) and their fast-paced excitement:

Here it is on Grooveshark:  "William Tell Overture"

You should also read up on the Legend of William Tell - he seems like he was a pretty cool dude, standing up against tyrannical rulers and whatnot.  Yea, he's the one who shot an apple off the head of his son with a crossbow, thanks to the tyrannical ruler's being a jerkface.  Pretty rad dude, that William Tell...

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