Wednesday, June 15, 2011

6-15-11 - "False Creek Change" ~ Said The Whale

Here's a song about the loss of innocence.  A town grows up, a boy grows up there, and he's looking back at memories of his childhood and mourning the way the special elements of the neighborhood he remembers were gradually erased by industry and the expansion of the city.  The first part of the song refers to the 1986 World's Fair, which catalyzed the transformation.

When I was in Vancouver last year, I drove through this area, and it's easy to see that while some of the unique and charming stores and parks still exist, they're lost in the hustle and bustle now.  Kind of a wistful commentary about the sacrifices made in the name of "progress".

Live acoustic session for those so inclined:

"I've watched the walls of Yaletown
growing up over my mountain view
My old horizon under the clouds
I'll be sad when I'm thinking of you
I'll be sad when I'm thinking of you..."

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