Thursday, August 4, 2011

8-4-11 - "Pressing On" ~ Relient K

Ten years.  Used to seem like forever, but now it seems like it went by in a blur.  Yea, this song is from ten summers ago.  At the time, I was rocking this disc every day on the way to soccer conditioning with mi hermano, not a care in the world.  Well, probably I was starting to care about college, but looking back, I'm really not sure why...

So yeah, here's a song about perseverance and keeping your head up through tough times, from the early years of one of my favorite bands, Relient K.  Masters of witty pop-culture references and infectious pop-punk tunes, these boys broke free of the oppression of growing up in Ohio and have gone on to make tons of great music.  My favorite part of following a band is when they broaden their horizons and hone their talents while still putting out music I want to hear.  RK has done that over the years, adding more piano and other instruments along with more intricate harmonies while shedding some of the wit in exchange for more frequent lyrical depth.  Still, sometimes it's nice to go back to the relative simplicity of their early works:

And for you indie types, here's a more mellow "back porch acoustic" version (complete with lawnmower):

"Adversity - we get around it,
searched for joy, in you I found it."

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