Friday, November 11, 2011

11-11-11 - "Bohemian Like You" ~ The Dandy Warhols

Being a bit of a nerd, I considered a post related to the date (11/11/11), but nothing fitting came to mind, except for "Konstantine" by Something Corporate... "I always catch the clock, it's 11:11 and now you wanna talk..." but I already posted that one.

So you're getting a tune that doesn't really have anything to do with math nerdery, or veterans for that matter. (Side note: if you live in America, hug a veteran today!  No, our country isn't perfect, and no, our wars aren't necessarily always just, but there are a lot of things we enjoy today that were protected by the efforts of folks like my grandfathers, or someone you know that served.)

Here's a fairly sardonic take on the hipster / hippie lifestyle, with a heavy dose of tongue-in-cheek wit. Or maybe they're completely serious; I'm really not sure.  Either way, it's a great one to blast with the windows down, or up if it's chilly and there are snow flurries like today in Pittsburgh.  

(WARNING: music video is rated PG-13; think Titanic level.  If you have sensitive eyes, use the second "video", which is just the lyrics)

"so what do you do?
oh yea i wait tables too
no i haven't heard your band
'cause you guys are pretty new
but if you dig on vegan food
well come over to my work
i'll have 'em cook you something
that you really love..."

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